
Valor 複方精油 5ml (Young Living Valor Essential Oil 5ml)

$526.00 $474.00



Valor 是Young Living 創辦人 Gary Young 喜愛的複方精油之一。

適合塗抹於腕部、胸腔、頸背、腳底,或加入Young Living基底沐浴乳混合使用。

Valor 是一種具有強烈而提神香氣的精油組合,非常適合幫助你您在情緒低落的情況下獲得信心。


  • 辛辣、甜美、正面香氣集一身,激勵自信和勇氣
  • 擴香時清新空氣,塗抹則改善皮膚外觀
  • 營造舒適踏實的瑜伽及冥想環境與氣氛
  • 提升按摩功效,驅走疲憊感
  • 混合Valor精油及V-6綜合純植物油用以睡前按摩,舒緩肩頸背部疲勞。
  • 直接吸聞Valor精油或用以按摩頸部、胸部、手掌及手腕,提供一日清新體驗。
  • 塗抹「Valor」古龍水,散發大膽和鼓舞人心的香氣,或直接作個人香水的前調使用。
  • 加入Young Living基底沐浴乳,在每日沐浴時間內感受迷人香氣。
  • 讓木質泥土芳香繚繞睡房,每日在內為自己來一段鼓舞演說。
  • 以和暖香氣提升屋內氛圍。
  • 以香氣作工作支援,解決難題。
  • 準備迎接人生中的冒險——無論去哪裡——Valor讓您變得樂觀大膽。
  • 只需以Valor擴香,讓藍艾菊、乳香及黑雲杉香氣縈繞家居,便能在家中享受水療般的面部按摩或修甲療程。
  • 在酒店房間、機場或其他悶熱的旅行地點以柔霧擴香儀擴香。
您可於下列產品中找到 Valor精油
  • Raindrop Technique雨滴精油按摩套裝
  • 愛達荷州藍雲杉精油
  • 神聖乳香精油
  • 依蘭依蘭精油
  • Release 精油
  • White Angelica 精油
  • V-6 綜合純植物油
  • Feelings Kit 精油套裝
  • 基底沐浴乳
  • AromaGlide 滾珠部件

Valor 精油成分

Caprylic/capric triglyceride
Picea mariana† (Black spruce) leaf oil
Cinnamomum camphora† (Camphor) wood oil
Tanacetum annuum† (Blue tansy) flower oil
Boswellia carterii† (Frankincense) oil
Pelargonium graveolens† (Geranium) flower oil
† 100% 純精油


零售價:$474.00 / 15ml

會員價:$ 400.00 / 15ml



Valor essential oil blend is a top seller and one of Young Living founder D. Gary Young’s favorite blends.

Apply to wrists, chest, base of neck, and bottoms of feet or add to Young Living Bath & Shower Gel Base to feel empowered and uplifted.

Product Snapshot

Features & Benefits
  • Features a spicy, sweet, positive aroma that inspires confidence and courage
  • Helps freshen the air when diffused and improves the appearance of skin when applied topically
  • Creates a grounded environment for yoga and meditation
  • Enhances massage for a rejuvenating experience
Aromatic Profile
Woodsy, floral, well-rounded aroma
Works Well With
  • Sacred Frankincense essential oil
  • Ylang Ylang essential oil
  • White Angelica essential oil blend
  • V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex
  • Feelings Collection
  • Bath & Shower Gel Base
  • Raindrop technique essential oil collection
Caprylic/capric triglyceride
Picea mariana* (Black spruce) leaf oil
Cinnamomum camphora* (Camphor) wood oil
Tanacetum annuum* (Blue tansy) flower oil
Boswellia carterii* (Frankincense) oil
Pelargonium graveolens* (Geranium) flower oil
* 100% pure essential oil

Suggested Uses

  • Combine Valor with V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex to unwind before bed with a grounding neck or back massage.
  • Refresh throughout the day by directly inhaling Valor or massaging it onto your neck, chest, or hands and wrists.
  • Wear Valor as a bold, inspiring cologne, or use it as a top note for personalized scents.
  • Add it to Young Living’s Bath & Shower Gel Base or to a hot bath to invigorate your bath and shower routine.
Where to Diffuse
  • Make your bedroom headquarters for motivating self-talk, boosted by this woodsy and earthy scent.
  • Uplift your living spaces with the warm complexities of this fragrance.
  • Tackle work’s biggest tasks supported by this empowering aroma.
  • Prepare for life’s adventures—anywhere they may take you—by infusing your space with this bold blend.
  • Sink into an at-home spa experience by surrounding yourself with the comforting scents of Blue Tansy, Frankincense, and Black Spruce during a DIY facial or pedicure.
  • Keep the comfort of home with you on the road by using a personal diffuser to infuse this calming aroma into hotel rooms, airports, and other stuffy travel spots.
Use Valor’s invigorating aroma in the morning for an uplifting and empowering scent to approach the day. Its vivacious scent is a favorite companion to an intrepid spirit.
Label Directions
Topical: Apply 2–4 drops directly to desired area. Dilution is not required, except for the most sensitive skin. Use as needed.
Aromatic: Diffuse up to 1 hour 3 times daily.
Get to Know
Product Background
Valor is one of the original blends formulated by D. Gary Young and is a long-standing member favorite. Each essential oil in the blend was carefully selected for its unique aromatic and topical benefits: Frankincense for its uplifting, earthy aroma and skin-smoothing properties; Black Spruce for its grounded, woodsy fragrance; Blue Tansy for its inspiring aromatic profile; Geranium for its sweet, floral fragrance; and Camphor Wood for its skin-benefiting properties and strong, herbaceous scent. This powerful, synergistic blend with a transformative aroma has contributed to its strong legacy as a key part of Young Living’s proprietary Raindrop Technique®.


Retail Price: $474.00 / 15ml

Member Price : $400.00 / 15ml
How to join member ?【Click Here



5ml, 15ml


