
White Angelica 複方精油 5ml (Young Living White Angelica Essential Oil 5ml)

$382.00 $344.00



White Angelica 是一種有鎮靜和舒緩功效的複方油,可以安神。



Earth Kosher 猶太潔食認證

  • 帶有溫暖甜美的花香香氣
  • 擴香時可創造平靜舒適的環境
  • 增添肌膚的健康光采
  • 與Young Living 輕透保濕乳液搭配使用,給肌膚美麗呵護
  • 用這款複方精油的宜人芳香,讓家中處處充滿著讓人安心的氛圍。
  • 無論在何處試圖提升心靈能量,讓溫暖濃郁的香氣環繞身旁,給您沉澱平穩的心。
  • 用這款複方精油明亮的香氣與沉穩的木質芳香,把您的書桌變成靈感源源不絕的天堂。
  • 用依蘭依蘭、玫瑰與天竺葵的浪漫花香,增添水療時的優雅氛圍。


  • 擴香White Angelica 複方精油的甜美花香與土質香氣,為空間增添溫暖、平靜與舒適的感受。
  • 在任何空間中擴香White Angelica 複方精油,創造平靜與修身養性的還境。
  • 在瑜伽練習或冥想時使用,創造正面與舒適氣氛。
  • 添加至您喜愛的保濕霜中,給肌膚美麗呵護。
  • 當作香水塗在您的手腕或後頸,一整天都能享受它帶給您的宜人芳香。
  • 可在使用雨滴精油按摩套裝,進行按摩或全身舒壓放鬆前使用。
局部塗抹:取1-2滴塗抹於肌膚所需部位。 除最敏感皮膚之外,使用時不須稀釋。
注意事項: 請放置在兒童觸及不到的地方。僅限外用。塗抹範圍需遠離眼睛及黏膜。如你正在懷孕、哺乳、需要服用藥物或為長期病患者,使用前請諮詢專業醫務人員。使用產品12小時內避免陽光或紫外線直射。
  • 超聲波精油擴香機
  • 雨滴精油按摩套裝
  • White Angelica 複方精油
  • 乳香精油
  • 牛膝草精油
  • 神聖檀香精油
  • Harmony 複方精油
  • Release 複方精油
  • Joy 複方精油
  • 基底沐浴乳
  • ART護膚套裝

White Angelica 精油成分

Prunus amygdalus dulcis (甜杏仁)油
Citrus aurantium bergamia†(佛手柑)果皮油
Commiphora myrrha†(沒藥)油
Pelargonium graveolens† (天竺葵)花油
Santalum album(神聖檀香)木頭油
Cananga odorata†(依蘭依蘭)花油
Coriandrum sativum† (芫荽)種子油
Picea mariana†(黑雲杉)樹葉油
Melissa officinalis† (香蜂草)樹葉油
Hyssopus officinalis† (牛膝草)樹葉油
Rosa damascena† (玫瑰)花油
†100% 純精油


White Angelica 複方精油中的每一款精油都是精心挑選而來,擴香時幫助提升正向與平靜氛圍。 依蘭依蘭精油有著奢華又柔軟細緻的香氣,常被使用為香水主調。 佛手柑精油萃取出自冷壓佛手柑果實的樹脂,可增添新鮮明亮香氣。 香蜂草精油雖然萃取自香蜂草的葉子,但它有著柑橘香調,溫和舒服的香氣很受大眾喜愛。 天竺葵精油因其令人愉悅且溫暖的香氣,加上對肌膚的許多好處,已被使用了數世紀之久。 經典的玫瑰香氣,賦予了它甜美的懷舊氣息,還有美肌方面的優點。 沒藥、牛膝草、黑雲杉與神聖檀香,用深沉濃郁的土質香味,平衡了花類與柑橘精油的甜美清新香氣。

零售價:$382.00 / 15ml

會員價:$ 290.00 / 15ml



White Angelica™ essential oil contains pure Melissa and Bergamot essential oils, promotes feelings of protection and security when diffused, and can be used to guard against negative energy.

Product Snapshot

EarthKosher Certified
Features & Benefits
  • Has a sweet, warm, floral fragrance
  • Can be diffused to create a peaceful, comforting environment
  • May enhance the appearance of healthy-looking skin
  • Offers skin-beautifying benefits when combined with Young Living’s ART Light Moisturizer
Aromatic Profile
From the bottle: Warm, complex, floral aroma
Works Well With
  • Raindrop Technique Essential Oil Collection
  • Joy Essential Oil Blend
  • ART Skin Care System
Prunus amygdalus dulcis (Sweet almond) oil
Citrus aurantium bergamia† (Bergamot) peel oil
Commiphora myrrha† (Myrrh) oil
Pelargonium graveolens† (Geranium) flower oil
Santalum album† (Sacred Sandalwood) wood oil
Cananga odorata† (Ylang ylang) flower oil
Coriandrum sativum† (Coriander) seed oil
Picea mariana† (Black spruce) leaf oil
Melissa officinalis† (Melissa) leaf oil
Hyssopus officinalis† (Hyssop) leaf oil
Rosa damascena† (Rose) flower oil
†100% pure essential oil

Suggested Uses

  • Diffuse White Angelica to create a peaceful, nurturing environment in any space.
  • Use it during yoga or meditation to create a positive and comforting atmosphere.
  • Add it to your favorite moisturizer to enjoy its skin-beautifying benefits.
  • Apply it to your wrists and neck like perfume to enjoy a lovely fragrance throughout your day.
  • Apply it before providing the Raindrop Technique or other massage or body work treatment.
Where to Diffuse
  • Enhance the sense of sanctuary in your home with the inviting aroma of this inspired blend.
  • Cultivate quiet and calm wherever you seek spiritual elevation when you surround yourself with this rich, warm scent.
  • Transform your desk into a haven of inspiration with this blend’s bright citrus and deep woodsy fragrances.
  • Add an air of elegance to a relaxing spa day with floral scents such as Ylang Ylang, Rose, and Geranium.
Add a touch of warmth, peace, and comfort to any space by diffusing White Angelica’s sweet, floral, earthy aroma.
Label Directions
Topical: Apply 1-2 drops to desired area. Dilution is not required, except for the most sensitive skin.
Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 minutes. 3 times daily
Keep out of reach of children. For external use only. Keep away from eyes and mucous membranes. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult a health professional prior to use. Avoid direct sunlight or UV rays for up to 12 hours after applying product.
Get to Know
Product Background
Each essential oil in White Angelica was carefully selected to help promote a positive, peaceful atmosphere when diffused. Ylang Ylang has a luxurious, velvety scent and is often used as a key note in perfumes. Bergamot is cold pressed from the resin of the bergamot fruit and adds a fresh, bright aroma. Although Melissa comes from the leaves of the melissa herb, it also has notes of citrus and is treasured for its gentle, comforting aroma. Geranium has been used for centuries for its lovely, soft fragrance and skin-benefiting properties. The classic scent of Rose gives the blend a touch of sweet nostalgia and offers skin benefits. Myrrh, Hyssop, Black Spruce, and Sacred Sandalwood balance the sweet and fresh aroma of the floral and citrus oils with a deep, rich, earthy scent.

White Angelica essential oil joined the Young Living family in 1994.


Retail Price: $382.00 / 15ml

Member Price : $290.00 / 15ml
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5ml, 15ml


